Shabbos Daf 48 שבת דַף 48

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1. Using mochin for hatmanah

Rav Adda bar Masnah asked Abaye a question about mochin, expensive unprocessed wool that is generally used to produce felt and is therefore considered muktzeh. He wanted to know if mochin that was used to insulate food erev Shabbos can be moved on Shabbos. In other words, does the fact that he is now using it for hatmanah, demonstrate that he is now permanently using it for hatmanah and not for felt and therefore it is no longer considered muktzeh?


Abaye answered that just because the person did not have a box of cheap straw handy for insulating does not mean that he is renouncing a valuable box of mochin. Therefore the mochin still remains muktzeh.

2. Stuffing pillows

Rav Chisda taught that one can return stuffing into a pillow on Shabbos. He did not consider this a violation of makeh bepatish.


The Gemara asks on Rav Chisda from a Baraisa that says that it is prohibited to place stuffing into a pillow on Yom Tov  and even more so on Shabbos. The Gemara answers that Rav Chisda was referring to returning stuffing to an “old pillow,” meaning a pillow that was already stuffed. This is not considered fashioning a new pillow. The Baraisa on the other hand was referring to “new pillows”, meaning placing stuffing in pillows that had never been stuffed, which is considered fashioning them into a pillow which would be forbidden.

3. Opening a neck opening of a garment

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav that one who opens a neck opening in a garment for the first time on Shabbos is liable to bring a chatas because he violated the melacha of makeh bepatish. Rav Kahana challenged this from a Baraisa that permitted one to lop off the top of a sealed barrel with a sword in order to open a barrel to use its contents.


Rava answered Rav Kahana זה חיבור וזה אינו חיבור, the material of the shirt is bonded, while the lid of the barrel is not considered bonded to the barrel.


Rashi explains that although the lid of the barrel was cemented on to the barrel, it was done with the intention to eventually remove the lid. Therefore, it is not considered bonded and cutting it open is not deemed creating a new vessel. As opposed to this, in the case of making   a neck opening in a garment,  the material is completely attached and therefore by making a neck opening one would be liable for makeh bepatish .

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