Shabbos Daf 30 שבת דַף 30

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1. Dead are better than the living

R’ Tanchum of Nevi presented a public discourse where he reconciled seeming contradictions between Shlomo Hamelech’s teachings and the teachings of Dovid HaMelech, as well as seeming contradictions within Koheles and Mishlei themselves.


One example is that in Tehillim Dovid Hamelech states, לא המתים יהללו קה – The dead cannot extol Hashem, which implies that the living are better than those that have already died. Yet, in Koheles, Shlomo Hamelech writes, ושבח אני את המתים שכבר מתו מן החיים אשר חיים עדנה – And I praise the dead who have already died more than the living that still live?


One of R’ Tanchum’s explanations is that the way of the world is that when a ruler of flesh and blood issues a decree, not everybody fulfills it, and even for those that do, it will only be during the ruler’s lifetime. But Moshe Rabbeinu issued many gezeiros and takanos, and we fulfill them to this day.


Therefore, the pshat is that “the dead” is referring to the leaders of earlier generations who have a much more profound influence than the “living” which is referring to today’s leaders. (Rashi).

2. How Klal Yisroel learned that Dovid HaMelech was forgiven

Although HaKadosh Boruch Hu forgave Dovid Hamelech for the sin involving Bathsheva, He refused Dovid’s request for a public sign to demonstrate that he was forgiven during Dovid’s lifetime, telling him that it will become known in the time of Shlomo Hamelech.


That time arrived with the inauguration of the Beis Hamikdash when the gates of the Kodesh Hakadoshim miraculously clung to each other and would not open. After a number of failed attempts, such as reciting twenty four songs of prayer, the doors finally opened when Shlomo asked that they open in the merit of Dovid Hamelech. It then became clear to everyone that Dovid Hamelech was forgiven for the sin, and his enemies became humiliated.

This event is reflected in תהילים כד:ז-י.

3. How Dovid HaMelech died on Shabbos

Although Hakadosh Boruch Hu would not reveal to Dovid HaMelech how long he would live, He did reveal to him that he would pass away on a Shabbos.


From then on, every Shabbos Dovid Hamelech would learn the entire day, frustrating the attempts of the Malach HaMaves to take him.


One Shabbos, the Malach Hamaves shook the branches of a tree outside Dovid’s room, and startled him. As Dovid ascended a staircase to see what was happening, he was startled when a stair caved under him, and for a moment he was silent and stopped learning. It was then that he died.

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