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It was a taught in a Baraisa that R’ Shimon ben Elazar prohibits kindling the Shabbos lights with balsam (צרי). Rabba explains it was prohibited because it’s dangerous due to being highly flammable. Secondly, one might be tempted to use some of the oil in the lamp because of its aroma, and by removing oil he would be cause the fire to go out quicker and thereby be עובר on מכבה (extinguishing).
R’ Shimon ben Elazar provides an additional reason why balsam is prohibited for lighting. He explains that since it comes from the sap of the tree, not the fruit extract, it does not draw well through the wick.
It was taught in a Baraisa that when R’ Tarfon said that one can only use olive oil for Shabbos light, R’ Yochanan ben Nuri rose to his feet and objected given that many communities do not have access to olive oil. He held that the only oils forbidden to use are the ones that are specifically prohibited by the Rabbonnon.
Any garment made from wool or linen that is a minimum of three fingerbreadths by three fingerbreadths can be mekabel tumah from tzaraas. This is because a garment of this size is fitting to be used by the poor.
A Baraisa explains the source of this, that If the Torah had written in the parsha of tzaraas “begged”, then it would have implied only a complete garment of wool or flax can become tamei. Since the Torah wrote instead, והבגד, -and the begged, the vav and the hey come to include even a smaller garment.
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