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On Daf 4b Rebbe Meir and Rebbe Eliezer ben Yaakov derived that Shavuos has seven days of תשלומין – compensation, from a passuk that juxtaposes Shavuos with Pesach. The Gemara on our Daf asks where the Tanna Kamma and Rebbe Shimon derive it from, given that they use that passuk for a different limud, and answers that they derive it from the source presented in the Baraisa taught by Rabbah bar Shmuel, which taught: אמרה תורה מנה ימים וקדש חדש – The Torah said two things: Count days and sanctify Rosh Chodesh, מנה ימים וקדש עצרת – Count days and sanctify Chag HaShavuos. This teaches מה חדש למנויו – Just as the beginning of the month is sanctified for a period equal to one of the units by which it is counted (i.e. a day) אף עצרת למנויו – so too Shavuos is sanctified for a period equal to one of the units by which it is counted (i.e. a week). When the Gemara asks that perhaps it should only be counted for a day, since the Torah also uses a day as a unit for counting, Rava said: מצוה למימני יומי ומצוה למימני שבועי – It is a mitzvah to count both days and weeks, and furthermore it is written חג השבועות – which literally means the festival of weeks.
A Baraisa on Daf 4a listed several obligations that are subject to the prohibition of בל תאחר. The Gemara here brings the source for each of the rulings. It was taught in a Baraisa, the passuk states: "כי תדר נדר" – When you make a neder you shall not delay to pay it. How do we know that a nedavah is also subject to the prohibition? The word “neder” is also stated in a different passuk, "אם נדר או נדבה" – If a neder or a nedavah is his korban. Just as there, a nedavah is included with a neder, so too here. The passuk continues, "לה' אלקיך" – To Hashem, your G-d: This refers to הדמין והערכין והחרמין וההקדשות. The passuk continues: "לא תאחר לשלמו" – You shall not delay to pay it, this teaches that one is chayav for delaying it, but not for delaying חילופיו – its substitute. The passuk continues: "כי דרש ידרשנו" – For He will demand it: This refers to חטאות ואשמות עולות ושלמים. The passuk continues: "ה' אלקיך" – Hashem your G-d, this refers to צדקות ומעשרות ובכור. The passuk continues: "מעמך" – of you: This refers to לקט שכחה ופאה. The passuk continues: "והיה בך חטא" – There will be a sin found in you: This teaches that if you delay, there will be a sin in you, ולא בקרבנך חטא – and there will not be a sin in your offering, meaning that it does not become invalid.
The Gemara asks what the Baraisa is referring to when it teaches that one is not chayav for delaying payment of חילופיו – it’s substitute, and after the first explanation is rejected, Rav Shesheiss said: כגון שעברו עליו שני רגלים והומם – We are dealing with a case where two regalim passed and then the original olah or shelamim became blemished, whereupon he transferred its kedushah to another animal, and one more Yom Tov passed. You might have thought הואיל ומכח קמא קאתי – since the substitute comes by virtue of the first offering, it is treated as a single offering that passed three regalim, and the owner should be liable for בל תאחר. The passuk is coming to teach that he is not chayav. Rava explains that according to Rebbe Meir, who holds that one transgresses after one regel, we are dealing with a case where the original offering became blemished during the regel, and he transferred its kedushah to another animal, and then that regel passed. You might have thought that one should be chayav since the animal comes by virtue of the first offering. The passuk is coming to teach that he is not chayav.
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