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The Gemara on Daf 34b discussed the machlokes regarding whether a שליח צבור can be מוציא individuals. The Chochomim hold that individuals are chayav to daven, and only those that who do not know how to daven can have the שליח צבור be מוציא them. Rabban Gamliel holds that a שליח צבור can be מוציא everyone, even someone who can daven on his own. Rebbe Yochanan said that the Chochomim eventually conceded with Rabban Gamliel, and Rav said they did not. The Gemara on this Daf clarifies that the Tanna (i.e. the "Chochomim"), according to Rebbe Yochanan, that conceded to Rabban Gamliel’s opinion concerning Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in Yovel that the שליח צבור can be מוציא everyone, is Rebbe Meir. The Gemara clarifies that the difference between the Mussaf tefillos on these days and all other tefillos of the year, are משום דאוושי ברכות – because the berachos are challenging to most people. Rashi explains that they contain nine long berachos – including Malchios, Zichronos and Shofaros – and people can get confused because they are unfamiliar with them.
Rebbe Elazar said: - לעולם יסדיר אדם תפלתו ואחר כך יתפלל A person should always organize his tefillos in his mind and only then daven. Rebbe Abba said that Rebbe Elazar’s statement makes sense regarding the tefillos of Rosh Hashanah, of Yom Kippur in Yovel, and the other Yomim Tovim, but regarding the weekday and Shabbos tefillos the entire year, it is not reasonable to require one review them in advance, since everyone is familiar with these tefillos. When the Gemara asks if this is so, since Rav Yehudah would always arrange his tefillos and only then daven, even on a weekday, it answers that Rav Yehudah is different. Since he would daven only once every thirty days,כפרקים דמי - his regular tefillos were like those that are recited on special occasions. Rashi explains that Rav Yehudah would review of all his learning every thirty days. The Ritva clarifies that during those thirty days, he was so engaged in his learning he would not get distracted at all. One who learns on this level is not required to interrupt his learning for tefillah.
Rav Acha bar Avira said in the name of Rebbe Shimon Chasida: Rabban Gamliel would exempt אפילו עם שבשדות – even the people in the fields from davening, for he held that the shaliach tzibur is מוציא them even if they are not in shul. When the Gemara notes that this implies that it was unnecessary to state that he exempted those who are present in shul, it asks how that could possibly be? The people in the field are forced to miss the tefillos because of their work, whereas those that are present are not forced to miss davening? This is similar to the din that those who stand behind the Kohanim during birkas Kohanim are not included in the berachah, whereas those in the fields, who are unable to come, are included in the berachah. Rather, when Ravin arrived in Bavel he said in the name of Rebbe Yaakov bar Idi, who said in the name of Rebbe Shimon Chasida, that Rabban Gamliel exempted only the people in the fields from tefillah, based on the shaliach tzibur’s recitation משום דאניסי במלאכה - because they are forced by their work to miss the tefillah. אבל בעיר לא - But those who are in the city are not exempted by the shaliach tzibur.
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