Rosh Hashanah Daf 18 ראש השנה דַף 18

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1. When a decree against a community and an individual can be rescinded

On Daf 17b, Rebbe Yochanan said: גדולה תשובה שמקרעת גזר דינו של אדם – Great is teshuvah, for it tears up the evil decree that is upon a person. The Gemara goes through an extensive analysis whether this applies to an individual’s decree or only to a decree against a community. On our Daf, Rav Shmuel bar Inya said in the name of Rav: מניין לגזר דין של ציבור שאינו נחתם – From where do we know that a decree against a community is never sealed? When the Gemara brings a passuk that in fact a community’s decree can be sealed, it rephrases the question, to how do we know that even though a decree against a community is sealed, it can be torn up? The Gemara answers, that the passuk states: For what great nation has a G-d Who is close to it, "כה' אלקינו בכל קראנו אליו" -, as is Hashem, our G-d, whenever we call to Him? The implication is that whenever the Jewish people appeal to Hashem, He is close by, to answer them and override evil decrees. When the Gemara asks that the passuk states, "דרשו ה' בהמצאו" – Seek Hashem when He can be found; call upon Him when He is near, which indicates that Hashem is not always available to overturn decrees, the Gemara answers that this passuk is referring to individuals. When are these times for an individual? Rabbah bar Avuha said: אלו עשרה ימים שבין ראש השנה ליום הכפורים – These are the ten days (the aseres yemei teshuvah) between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

2. כל באי העולם עוברין לפניו כבני מרון

The Mishnah on 16a stated: בראש השנה כל באי עולם עוברין לפניו כבני מרון – On Rosh Hashanah, all the world’s inhabitants pass before Him like “bnei maron.” The Gemara asks what the meaning is of “bnei maron” and presents three answers. Here in Bavel, they translated it כבני אמרנא – like lambs. Rashi explains that when lambs our counted for tithing, they are let out one at a time, through a door too small for two to go out together. Reish Lakish, who was from Eretz Yisroel, said: כמעלות בית מרון – Like people traversing the elevated paths of the Maron area. Rashi explains that in this area, there was a road with a steep drop on both sides. The road itself was so narrow that two people could not walk side by side upon it. Rav Yehudah said in the name of Shmuel: כחיילות של בית דוד – Like the soldiers of the House of Dovid. Rashi explains that the word maron is related to מרות – authority. Dovid’s soldiers were counted one at a time as they walked out to war in single file.

  3. Machlokes whether Megillas Taanis was annulled or not

The Gemara presents a machlokes whether Megillas Taanis was annulled or not. This was a scroll that listed dates of the year on which fasting is prohibited, because those days were declared minor festivals on account of miraculous salvations that occurred on them. According to Rav and Rebbe Chanina, after the churban these festivals were no longer in force. The Gemara challenges them, based on an incident when a certain town decreed a fast on Chanukah, and Rebbe Eliezer responded by bathing in the bathhouse and Rebbe Yehoshua had his hair cut, and they told those who had fasted, that they should fast on account of fasting on Chanukah. Clearly, Megillas Taanis was still in effect after the churban? Rav Yosef answered, שאני חנוכה דאיכא מצוה – Chanukah is different because there is the mitzvah of lighting associated with it. When Abaye objected: ותיבטיל איהי ותיבטל מצותה – so let Chanukah be annulled, and let its mitzvah be annulled as well, Rav Yosef answered: שאני חנוכה דמיפרסם ניסא – Chanukah is different because the miracle of Chanukah has already become thoroughly publicized through its observances and therefore it would be inappropriate to annul it.

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