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A Baraisa, beginning at the bottom of Daf 16b, details what occurs to the tzadikim, reshaim and benoni’im after the judgments made on יום הדין, the Day of Judgment that takes place at the time of תחיית המתים – the Resurrection of the Dead. Beis Shammai sayבינוניים יורדין לגיהנם ומצפצפין ועולין – The intermediate people descend to Gehinnom, scream in pain, and then ascend, and about them, Chanah said: "ה' ממית ומחיה מוריד שאול ויעל" – Hashem puts to death and brings to life, He brings down to Sheol and raises up. Beis Hillel say: The Torah states about Hashem, "ורב חסד" – And abundant in kindness. This means that מטה כלפי החסד – He tips the scales of the intermediate group towards kindness so that they do not have to descend to Gehinnom at all. And about them, Dovid said, "ואהבתי כי ישמע ה' את קולי" – I love when Hashem hears my voice. And about them, Dovid said the entire parsha of Tehillim (Psalm 116), including "דלותי ולי יהושיע" – I was poor, but He saved me. The Baraisa details what happens to the reshaim.
Rava said: כל המעביר על מדותיו מעבירין לו על כל פשעיו – Anyone who relinquishes his measures of retribution, the Heavenly Tribunal relinquishes all of his sins for him. Rashi explains that this refers to someone who does not calculate the exact measure of retribution that his attacker deserves; rather he tolerantly drops the entire matter and goes on his way. As it is stated, "נושא עון ועבר על פשע" – He pardons transgression and overlooks sin. למי נשא עון למי שעובר על פשע – Whose transgression does He pardon? One who overlooks sins committed against himself. The Gemara cites a related incident. Rav Huna brei d’Rav Yehoshua became ill and Rav Pappa saw that he was on the brink of death and told the people to prepare shrouds. In the end, he recovered and Rav Pappa was embarrassed to see him. When the people asked Rav Huna what he saw, he answered that indeed it was as Rav Pappa said, that he was about to die. But at the last minute Hakadosh Boruch Hu said to the Beis Din shel Ma’alah, הואיל ולא מוקים במיליה לא תקומו בהדיה – “Since he does not stand on principle, and is tolerant of others who wrong him, do not take a strict stand against him.”
The passuk introducing the י'ג מדות של רחמים – the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy states, "ויעבור ה' על פניו ויקרא" – And Hashem passed before him (Moshe) and proclaimed. Rebbe Yochanan said: אלמלא מקרא כתוב אי אפשר לאומרו – Were a passuk not written, it would be impossible to say it, מלמד שנתעטף הקדוש ברוך הוא כשליח צבור – This teaches that HaKadosh Boruch Hu wrapped Himself in a tallis like a shaliach tzibbur, והראה לו למשה סדר תפילה – and demonstrated to Moshe the order of tefillah. Hashem said to him: כל זמן שישראל חוטאין יעשו לפני כסדר הזה ואני מוחל להם – “Any time that Yisroel sins, let them perform before Me this procedure and I shall forgive them.”
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