Pesachim Daf 95 פסחים דַף 95

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1. Having chametz and not singing Hallel while eating the pesach sheini

The next Mishnah teaches that the pesach sheini differs from the pesach rishon, in that  a person may have chametz in his home, and that Hallel is not required at the time that it is being eaten. The Gemara brings a Baraisa which gives a rule concerning which mitzvos apply to pesach sheini. The Rabbanan taught that the passuk regarding the pesach sheini states, ככל חקת הפסח יעשו אתו – According to all of the laws of the pesach, shall they prepare it. במצוה שבגופו הכתוב מדבר – The phrase, "they shall prepare it," indicates that the passuk speaks only of mitzvos that are intrinsic to the pesach itself. מצוה שעל גופו מנין – From where do we derive mitzvos that are peripheral to the offering, such as matzah and marror, also apply? The Torah teaches, על מצות ומררים יאכלהו – With matzos and marror shall they eat it. It could be thought, then, that even mitzvos that are completely extraneous to the pesach should apply, the Torah therefore teaches, ועצם לא ישברו בו – and they shall not break a bone in it. Just as breaking a bone is a mitzvah that is intrinsic to the pesach, so too any mitzvah that applies to the pesach sheini, must be intrinsic, or at least peripheral to it. Isi ben Yehudah says, יעשו אתו – they shall prepare it, indicates mitzvos that are intrinsic to it. The Gemara analyzes this Baraisa.

2. The source that pesach rishon requires Hallel when it is eaten

The Mishnah stated that the first pesach requires Hallel to be recited with it as it is being eaten. The Gemara asks for the source for this din, and Rebbe Yochanan said in the name of Rebbe Shimon ben Yehotzadak, the passuk states, השיר יהיה לכם כליל התקדש חג – The song shall be for you like the night of the festival’s consecration. לילה המקודש לחג טעון הלל – This implies that only a night that is consecrated as a chag, such as the night when the first pesach is eaten, requires Hallel. The Mishnah said that Hallel is recited as well when the pesach sheini is offered, and the Gemara provides two reasons. The first is that the passuk only excluded a night that is not consecrated as a chag but it did not exclude a day that is not consecrated as a chag. The second is brought in a Baraisa. אפשר ישראל שוחטין את פסחיהן ונוטלין את לולביהן ואין אומרים הלל – Is it possible that Yisroel would shecht their pesachs or take hold of their lulavim, and not recite Hallel?

3. Machlokes whether pesach sheini is docheh tumah

The Mishnah stated that both the pesach rishon and pesach sheini are docheh Shabbos. The Gemara infers from here the pesach sheini is only docheh Shabbos but not tumah, and therefore, the Mishnah is not like Rebbe Yehudah, as it was taught in a Baraisa that the Tanna Kamma holds that the pesach sheini is docheh Shabbos but not tumah, and Rebbe Yehudah holds that it is also docheh tumah. The Gemara explains that the Tanna Kamma reasons, מפני טומאה דחיתיו יחזור ויעשה בטומאה – I deferred him to pesach sheini because of tumah; shall he now offer the pesach sheini itself in a state of tumah? Whereas Rebbe Yehudah reasons, התורה חזרה עליו לעשותו בטהרה – the Torah sought to have him offer it in a state of taharah, and therefore had him deferred. לא זכה יעשה בטומאה – But since he did not merit to do so, let him at least offer it in a state of tumah.

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