Pesachim Daf 92 פסחים דַף 92

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1. אונן טובל ואוכל את פסחו לערב

The next Mishnah at the bottom of Daf 91b states, אונן טובל ואוכל את פסחו לערב אבל לא בקדשים – An Onein immerses and eats his pesach after nightfall on the day of the death of his close relative but may not partake of other kodshim on that night. The Gemara asks what the reason is for permitting him to eat the pesach but no other kodshim, and answers, קא סבר אנינות דלילה דרבנן – It is because our Mishnah holds that the state of aninus on the night following the death, is only a d’Rabbanon. In the case of the pesach, the Rabbanon did not establish their gezeirah in the face of a mitzvah which carries with it a penalty of kares. But in the case of other kodshim, where eating them is only a mitzvah aseh, they did establish their gezeirah.

2. גר שנתגייר בערב פסח

The Mishnah states, גר שנתגייר בערב פסח – A ger who converted on Erev Pesach, Beis Shammai say,טובל ואוכל את פסחו לערב – He immerses and eats his pesach that night, and Beis Hillel say,הפורש מן הערלה כפורש מן הקבר – One who separates from his orlah is as one who separates from the grave! Rashi explains that he must go through the purification process of waiting seven days and having haza’ah done on the third and seventh day. Rabbah bar bar Chanah said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan that the machlokes was only with regard to an arel nochri who converted erev Pesach. Beis Hillel hold they enacted this decree lest in the coming year he becomes tamei from a meis and will say to himself, “Did I not immerse last year on erev Pesach and eat of the pesach despite being exposed to the tumah of a meis? Now too, I will immerse by day and eat the pesach by night despite being a tamei meis.” And he will not realize that in the previous year he was not subject to tumas meis because he was a nochri. Beis Shammai says that they did not enact this decree. They do agree that an arel Yisroel that had milah erev Pesach, immerses and eats the pesach at night.

3. If others shechted a pesach and did zerikah on behalf of someone who was too far away

The opening Mishnah of the ninth perek states, מי שהיה טמא או בדרך רחוקה – One who was tamei or on a distant road on the afternoon of the fourteenth when the pesach was shechted, ולא עשה את הראשון – and did not offer the first pesach, יעשה את השני – must offer the pesach sheini. The Gemara brings a machlokes Amoraim in a case where one was on a distant road, too far to arrive in time to shecht the pesach himself, and others shechted it and did zerikas hadam on his behalf. Rav Nachman says, הורצה – Acceptance of the pesach is affected and he is patur from bringing a pesach sheini, and Rav Sheishess says, לא הורצה – Acceptance is not affected and he must bring a pesach sheini. The Gemara explains that according to Rav Nachman, who holds הורצה, acceptance is affected because מיחס הוא דחס רחמנא עליו  - the Torah simply took pity on him for not being able to reach Yerushalayim in time and offered him a second chance. But if he did manage to participate in the first pesach by having someone shecht it for him, תבא עליו ברכה – let him be blessed. Rav Sheishess, who holds לא הורצה - acceptance is not affected, מידחא דחייה רחמנא כטמא – the Torah barred him from the first pesach just as it barred a tamei from the pesach. The Gemara continues with each Amorah bringing support for his position.

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