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Rebbe Elazar said, what is the meaning of the passuk,והלכו עמים רבים ואמרו לכו ונעלה אל הר ה' אל בית אלקי יעקב – Many peoples will go and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Hashem, to the House of the G-d of Yaakov”? Why does it specify the G-d of Yaakov and not of Avraham and Yitzchak?אלא לא כאברהם שכתוב בו הר – Rather, the passuk teaches that the Beis Hamikdash is not like the description found by Avraham, of whom it is written mountain, as it is stated, אשר יאמר היום בהר ה' יראה – Like it is said today, “On the mountain Hashem is seen.” And it is not like the description found by Yitzchak, where it was written "field," as it is stated, ויצא יצחק לשוח בשדה – Yitzchak went out to pray in the field. Rather, it is like the description found in the context of Yaakov, who called it a house, as it is stated, ויקרא את שם המקום ההוא בית קל – He named that place “the House of G-d.”
It was taught in a Baraisa, that the passuk states, "שה לבית" – A lamb for a household.מלמד שאדם מביא ושוחט על ידי בנו ובתו הקטנים ועל ידי עבדו ושפחתו הכנענים – This teaches that a person can bring a pesach and shecht it for his minor son or daughter and for his eved kanani or shifchah kananis, בין מדעתן בין שלא מדעתן – whether with their consent or without their consent.אבל אינו שוחט על ידי בנו ובתו הגדולים ועל ידי עבדו ושפחתו העברים ועל ידי אשתו אלא מדעתן – However, one cannot shecht a pesach for his adult son or daughter, for his Hebrew servant or maidservant or for his wife, except with their consent. Although adult children and Hebrew slaves are currently being supported by the master of the household, they can choose instead to support themselves. Hence, they are not defined as household members in this context. Rashi explains that a wife has the right to refuse support from her husband and support herself by keeping her handiwork for her own livelihood.
The next Mishnah states that if a master told his eved to shecht a certain animal as a pesach for him, and the eved forgot what he was told, the eved should shecht both a lamb and a kid, and say, “If my master told me to slaughter a kid, let the kid be his and the lamb mine, and if my master to me to slaughter a lamb, let the lamb be his and the kid mine.” שכח רבו מה אמר לו – If his master also forgot what he had told him, and both animals had been shechted, שניהין יצאו לבית השריפה ופטורין מלעשות פסח שני – both animals go forth to the place of burning, and they are both exempt from having to make a pesach sheini. Rashi explains that since it is not known which pesach is the master’s and which is the slave’s, they cannot be eaten, because a pesach is only eaten by those who are registered on it. At the same time, since a specific offering belonged to each one of them, the shechitah and zerikah were performed for its respective owner and is valid, exempting them from bringing a pesach sheini.
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