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It was stated, היו ישראל מחצה טהורין ומחצה טמאין– If the Jews were evenly divided, with half of them tahor and the other half tamei, אמר רב מטמאין אחד מהן בשרץ – Rav says we are metamei one of the tahor people with a sheretz so that the majority will be tamei, and they all bring the pesach together in tumah. The Gemara clarifies that Rav made his statement in a case that there is a Tanna who holds like the Tanna Kamma of the previous Baraisa who says that in a case of half and half they do not all make the pesach in tumah, and who also holds like Rebbe Yehudah who said, אין קרבן ציבור חלוק – that a korban tzibbur is not divided, meaning once a segment of the community is making the offering in tumah, it is not fitting for the remainder of the community to avoid contact with them. In such a case, he will be forced to be metamei one of the tahor people with a sheretz, so that the majority will be tamei and the community will be able to make the offering in tumah. Ulla disagrees and says, משלחין אחד מהן לדרך רחוקה – When the community is divided, we send one of the tahor people to a distant road so that the majority will be tamei. The Gemara clarifies that Ulla disagrees with using a sheretz since he holds that we may shecht the pesach and do zerikas hadam on behalf of someone tamei from a sheretz. Rav Nachman disagreed with Ulla because he said that no one would volunteer to go to the trouble of travelling to a distant road.
It was stated, היו רובן זבין ומיעוטן טמאי מתים – If the majority of the community were zavim and the minority were temeiyei meisim, Rav says that those who were tameiyei meisim do not bring a pesach on pesach rishon or pesach sheini. They do not bring it on the pesach rishon because they are a minority of the community, and a minority does not bring the pesach in tumah on the pesach rishon, and they do not make it on pesach sheini because כל היכא דעבדי ציבור בראשון עביד יחיד בשני – whenever the community brings the pesach on pesach rishon, an individual who was tamei brings it on pesach sheini, but whenever the community does not bring the korban on pesach rishon, an individual that was tamei does not bring it on pesach sheini. The Meiri clarifies that the zavim also do not make the pesach on either pesach rishon or sheini. They cannot make it on pesach rishon because tumah is not dechuyah for zavim and they cannot make it on pesach sheini because the majority of the community is not deferred to pesach sheini.
The next Mishnah states, that the tzitz is meratzeh in a case where it became known after the zerikas hadam that the pesach had been tamei. נטמא הגוף – But if it became known that the body of the owner had been tamei, it is not meratzeh because they said concerning a nazir and one making a pesach,הציץ מרצה על טומאת הדם ואין הציץ מרצה על טומאת הגוף – the tzitz is meratzeh for tumah of the blood but not for the tumah of the owner’s body. These are the only two cases in which the owner being tamei makes the korban passul.נטמא טומאת התהום הציץ מרצה – If it became known that the owner had become tamei from tumah of the deep, which is a tumah that was unknown to anyone, the tzitz is meratzeh. This is a halachah l’Moshe m’Sinai. The Gemara brings Rami bar Chama’s inquiry whether tumas hatahom only permits the owner of the korban, or does it also permit all people involved in the offering, including the Kohen who does the avodah of the nezirus and pesach offerings.
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