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The Gemara on Daf 7b brings a Baraisa that says,אין בודקין לא לאור החמה ולא לאור הלבנה ולא לאור האבוקה אלא לאור הנר – We can not search for chametz using the light of the sun, the light of the moon, or a torch. We need to use the light of a candle. The Gemara on our Daf asks why a torch may not be used based on two statements from Rava who brings a passuk that teaches a torch is stronger than a candle and stated, אבוקה להבדלה מצוה מן המובחר - A torch is the best thing to use for Havdalah, since its light is stronger than a candle. The Gemara brings four answers. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak answered that זה יכול להכניסו לחורין ולסדקין וזה אינו יכול להכניסו לחורין וסדקים - This one (a candle) can be brought inside holes and cracks, thereby being ideal for searching for chametz, and this one (a torch) cannot be brought into such places. Rav Zevid answered that זה אורו לפניו וזה אורו לאחריו – This one (a candle) gives light in front of the person, thereby being ideal for searching for chametz, and this one (a torch) gives light in the back of the person. Rav Pappa says that the torch makes one afraid that he will burn down the house. Ravina says that the light of the candle is steady whereas the light of the torch flickers.
The Gemara brings a Baraisa which states, אין מחייבין אותו להכניס ידו לחורין וסדקין לבדוק מפני הסכנה – We do not obligate a person to put his hand into holes and cracks to search for chametz, as this is dangerous. The Gemara explains מפני סכנת עקרב – because of the danger of scorpions that are inside these spaces and might sting a person who sticks his hand inside. The Gemara asks that Rebbe Elazar says that שלוחי מצוה אינן ניזוקין – One who goes to do a mitzvah will not be hurt. Rav Ashi answers that we are concerned that he had lost a needle, and that after he finishes searching for the chametz he will look for his needle. During the time that he is looking to find his missing needle, he will not be protected.
In the Mishnah on Daf 2a, Beis Shammai said that when one searches his basement of wine barrels, he must searchב' שורות על פני כל המרתף - Two rows on the face of the entire basement. Rav Yehuda said that Beis Shammai meant the two outer rows of barrels, from the floor to the ceiling. Rebbe Yochanon said that Beis Shammai meant שורה אחת כמין גאם – a single row in the shape of the Greek letter gamma, which means all of outer rows of barrels from the floor to the ceiling, and all of the highest rows of barrels facing the ceiling. Beis Hillel said in the Mishnah that one must search שתי החיצונות שהן העליונות – The two outer ones, which are the highest ones. Rav said that Beis Hillel meant the highest row which is the closest to the outside, and the row underneath it. Shmuel said that Beis Hillel meant the highest row which is the closest to the outside, and the row behind it.
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