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It was taught in a Baraisa that when the fourteenth falls on Shabbos, מבערין את הכל מלפני השבת – we dispose of everything before Shabbos,ושורפין תרומות טמאות תלויות וטהורות - and we burn chametz terumah foods that are tamei, suspended, and tahor and we leave over enough tahor food for two meals enough to eat through the first four hours of the day. These are the words of Rebbe Elazar ben Yehuda Ish Bartosa who said it in the name of Rebbe Yehoshua. The Chochomim said to him that the tahor terumah should not be burned for perhaps people who can eat them will be found. When Rebbe Elazar said they looked for people to eat the chametz but could not find them, so there is no point to holding onto it, they replied that perhaps they stayed overnight outside the wall. He responded that in that case they should not burn the safek tamei terumah since Eliyahu HaNavi might come and rule that they are tahor, and they responded that we have a tradition, שאין אליהו בא לא בערבי שבתות ולא בערבי ימים טובים מפני הטורח – that Eliyahu will not arrive erev Shabbos or erev Yom Tov because of the difficulties it would impose on people who have to interrupt their preparations to greet Eliyahu.
Rav Nachman said in the name of Rav that the halachah is like Rebbe Yehudah that we suspend the chametz during the fifth hour in that it cannot be eaten but it does not need to be destroyed. The Gemara cites a support for Rav Nachman from an incident with Yochanan Chakukaah who was given a saddlebag full of chametz as a deposit. When mice pierced the bag erev Pesach and the chametz was leaking out, he asked Rebbe what he should do, and he was told to wait during the first four hours. Rashi explains that the owner might come and eat his chametz before it becomes prohibited. In the fifth hour, Rebbe told him to sell it to the market. The Gemara initially assumes and then confirms that Rebbe meant he should sell it to nochrim in accordance with Rebbe Yehudah who holds chametz is prohibited after the fourth hour.
The Mishna on 11b stated that two passul challos that were brought with a korban todah are placed on the איצטבא – a bench on the Har Habayis. As long as they were placed there, everyone ate chametz. When one was removed, they would suspend chametz, meaning they would not eat it or burn it. When both were removed – they burned the chametz. The Gemara on Amud Beis here asks how they became passul and Rebbe Chanina said, מתוך שהיו מרובות נפסלות בלינה - because there were so many Todah offerings brought the day before, they became invalidated by being left overnight. The Gemara goes on to explain that Todah offerings were not brought erev Pesach when chametz is still permitted,שאין מביאין קדשים לבית הפסול – We may not expose offerings to a situation where they will become passul.
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