Pesachim Daf 101 פסחים דַף 101

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1. קידוש במקום סעודה

The Gemara brings a machlokes between Rav and Shmuel about the kiddush that was customarily made by the sheliach tzibbur in the Beis Hakenesses on Friday night: אמר רב ידי יין לא יצאו ידי קידוש יצאו – Rav Says: They did not fulfill their wine obligation (Rashbam explains that this refers to their obligation to say a berachah over the wine they will drink when they go home; see discussion below), but they did fulfill their Kiddush obligation. The  Rashbam explains that Rav holds that it is not necessary for Kiddush to be recited together with the Shabbos meal. ושמואל אמר אף ידי קידוש לא יצאו – And Shmuel says: They did not even fulfill their Kiddush obligation as he is consistent here with what he said elsewhere, אין קידוש אלא במקום סעודה - Kiddush is only in a place where there is a meal. The  Rashbam explains that Shmuel derives this principle from the passuk,  - וקראת לשבת עונגand you shall proclaim the Shabbos a delight. In the place where Shabbos is proclaimed, i.e., where kiddush is recited, there should be “delight”, i.e., the Shabbos meal. Alternatively, since Kiddush must be recited over wine, it is fitting that it be recited over wine drunk at a meal. 

2. שינוי מקום צריך לברך

As above, Rav and Shmuel both taught that someone who makes kiddush in the Beis Hakenesses must say a new berachah before drinking wine at home. The Gemara supports this from a Baraisa that states:שינוי מקום צריך לברך שינוי יין אין צריך לברך – [If there is] a change in location one must say a [new] berachah (of borei p’ri hagafen); if there is a change in wine one need not say a [new] berachah (of borei p’ri hagafen).

Rav Chisda says in the name of Rav Huna that a change of location creates a new berachah requirement only if one went מבית לבית – from one house to another, and not if one went ממקום למקום – from one place to another within the house. A Baraisa supports this.

3. דברים הטעונים ברכה לאחריהן במקומן

Rav Chisda adds that a change of location does not create a new berachah rishonah requirement if the berachah was said over דברים הטעונים ברכה לאחריהן במקומן – things that need a berachah acharonah in their place (that is, where the food was eaten), because someone who eats a food of this type לקיבעא קמא הדר – returns to his original setting. The  Rashbam explains that he is continuing with his original meal. Since he is obligated to return to his original place to recite a berachah acharonah, or to continue his meal in a second place which will enable him to recite the berachah acharonah there, his leaving does not constitute a conclusion of the meal. Rather, what he eats in the second place is seen as a continuation of his meal. [Rashbam says that this category includes all foods of the shivas haminim. Tosafos say that, at most, it includes foods of the “five types of grain” over which hamotzi and mezonos are said.]

Rav Sheishess disagrees and says that these foods are also subject to the halachos of shinui makom.

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