Nazir Daf 28 נזיר דַף 28

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1. A machlokes regarding when it is too late to be meifir nezirus

The next Mishnah presents three opinions about when a husband can no longer be meifir his wife’s nezirus. The Tanna Kamma says: נזרק עליה אחד מן הדמים אינו יכול להפר – Once the blood of one [of the korbanos] was sprinkled, he cannot be meifir, because she becomes permitted in wine etc., and it is no longer afflictive for her to complete the process. Rebbe Akiva says: אפילו נשחטה עליה אחת מכל הבהמות אינו יכול להפר – Even if one of the animals was merely shechted, he cannot be meifir, which the Gemara will explain is to prevent a loss of kodshim. The Mishnah adds that this is only true for the procedure completing the end of nezirus taharah, but after the procedure at the end of tumah, (when she will repeat her nezirus), he may still be meifir, since she will remain bound by nazir prohibitions. Rebbe Meir says that the husband can be meifir even after all korbanos are brought: שהוא יכול לומר אי אפשי באשה מגלחת – because he can say, “I do not want a wife who shaves her head.” The Gemara will explain that the Tanna Kamma responds that she can wear a wig, but Rebbe Meir counters that the husband considers a wig repulsive.

2. Rebbe Akiva’s position that cannot be meifer after korban is shechted refers to a chatas

The Gemara explains that Rebbe Akiva’s position that he cannot be meifir after a korban is merely shechted, is משום הפסד קדשים – because of a loss of kodshim, i.e., the avodah of the shechted korban cannot be completed. Rebbe Zeira asks: לזרוק דמן שלא לשמן ויתיר בשר באכילה – Let the blood be sprinkled not for its own purpose (i.e., not for the sake of a nezirus korban), and it will permit the meat to be eaten! He demonstrates this remedy from a Baraisa about כבשי עצרת – the lambs of Shavuos, which were shechted improperly (either שלא לשמה or before Shavuos) and cannot be used for their purpose, הדם יזרק והבשר יאכל – nevertheless, the blood is sprinkled and the meat is eaten, albeit not for their original purpose. The Gemara answers that indeed, if the olah or shelamim of the nazir had been shechted, this would be a viable option. The Mishnah, however, is discussing where the chatas was shechted first, and the avodah of a chatas is not valid for any other purpose.

3. האיש מדיר את בנו בנזיר – Son or relatives can reject by protesting or shaving

The next Mishnah states: האיש מדיר את בנו בנזיר – A man may declare his son a nazir, ואין האשה מדרת את בנה בנזיר – but a woman cannot declare her son a nazir. This nezirus may be rejected: גילח או שגילחוהו קרוביו – If he shaved or his relatives shaved him, thus demonstrating objection to the nezirus, מיחה או שמיחו קרוביו – or if he or his relatives protested the nezirus, then the nezirus is void. The Mishnah details the laws governing money or animals which were designated for his korbanos, which are identical to those in the Mishnah on Daf 24.

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