Moed Katan Daf 26 מועד קטן דַף 26

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1. The source for doing kriah when seeing a sefer Torah burn

The Gemara seeks the source that one does kriah if he witnesses the burning of a sefer Torah and brings a passuk from Yirmiyahu that when three stanzas and four were read from Yirmiyahu’s scroll to Yehoyakim, it states: ויקרעה בתער הספר והשלך אל האש אשר אל האח – the king cut it with the sofer’s razor and threw it into the fire in the fireplace. The Gemara asks what the meaning is of “three and four stanzas,” and explains that when Yehokayim was told that Yirmiyahu had written sefer Kinnos, he asked what was in it. They recited the first passuk, "איכה ישבה בדד" – Alas, she sits in solitude. He replied that he is the king and will stay in power even if the Jews go into galus. After each of the next three pesukim were read, he responded the same way. But when they read the fifth passuk that states "היו צריה לראש" – Her adversaries have become her master, he asked who said this, and was told that the passuk continues, "כי ה' הוגה על רב פשעיה" – for Hashem has spoken of her because of her many transgressions. Immediately, he cut out all the names of Hashem from the scroll and burned them in the fire. The passuk then states, "ולא פחדו ולא קרעו את בגדיהם" – and they did not fear, nor did they rend their garments. This implies that one is required to do kriah when seeing a sefer Torah burn.

2. What one says before he does kriah on seeing Yerushalayim and the Beis Hamikdash  in ruins

Rebbe  Chelbo said in the name of Ulla Biraah, who said in the name of Rebbe Elazar, הרואה ערי יהודה בחרובנן – One who see the cities of Yehudah in their destroyed state, says, "ערי קדשך היו מדבר" וקורע – Your holy cities have become a wilderness, and then he does kriah. One who sees Yerushalayim in its destroyed state, says, "ציון מדבר היתה ירושלים שממה" וקורע – Tzion has become a midbar, Yerushalayim a wasteland, and then he does kriah. One who sees the Beis Hamikdash in its destroyed state, says, "בית קדשנו ותפארתנו אשר הללוך אבתינו היה לשרפת אש וכל מחמדינו היה לחרבה" – The Temple of our holiness and our splendor, where are fathers praised You, has become a fiery blaze, and all that we desired has become a ruin, and he does kriah.

  3. Not informing a sick person that his close relative has passed away

It was taught in a Baraisa: חולה שמת לו מת אין מודיעין אותו שמת – In a case where a sick person’s close relative dies, we do not inform him that the relative has died, שמא תטרף דעתו עליו – lest he become muddled, ואין מקרעין בפניו – and we do not do kriah in front of him, ומשתקין את הנשים מפניו – and we silence the women from wailing in his presence.

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