Moed Katan Daf 24 מועד קטן דַף 24

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1. פח''ז חובה נת''ר רשות

Shmuel said regarding certain practices of aveilus on Shabbos, פח''ז חובה נת''ר רשות – The practices of the acronym PeChaZ are a chiyuv on Shabbos, whereas those of NeTaR are optional. PeChaz refers to: פריעת הראש -  - Uncovering the head, referring to an avel’s head wrapping, which is usually done as a sign of mourning. חזרת קרע לאחריו – turning the place of kriah on the garment to the back, זקיפת המטה – righting the bed. These are all a chiyuv to do on Shabbos because they are public signs of mourning. NeTaR refers to: נעילת הסנדל – wearing leather shoes, תשמיש המטה – marital relations, רחיצת ידים ורגלים בחמין ערבית – washing the hands and the feet in hot water in the evening. These are all optional, for these are considered private mourning practices since it is not obvious that one is abstaining from them because of aveilus. Rav says: אף פריעת הראש – Uncovering the head is also optional. The Gemara explains that there are many people that leave their head covered on Shabbos.

  2. כל קרע שאינו בשעת חימום אינו קרע

Shmuel said: כל קרע שאינו בשעת חימום אינו קרע – Any kriah that is not made at the time of intense grief is not a proper kriah. The Gemara asks if this is Shmuel’s view, for when Shmuel was told that Rav passed away, he did kriah on twelve garments and said: אזל גברא דהוה מסתפינא מיניה – The man whom I was afraid of has gone away! Similarly, when Rebbe Yochanan was told that Rebbe Chanina passed away, he said the same thing and did kriah on thirteen robes of fine silk. The Gemara answers שאני רבנן דכיון דכל שעתא מדכרי שמעתייהו כשעת חימום מדי – Doing kriah over the death of Rabbis is different, for since their teachings are frequently mentioned, it is like the time of intense grief.

3. The burial of infants and eulogizing children

It was taught in a Baraisa regarding burying children: כל שלשים יום תינוק יוצא בחיק – If an infant dies within thirty days of birth, it is taken out to the cemetery in the bosom. Rashi explains that it is not necessary to honor him with an aron. ונקבר באשה אחת ושני אנשים – And he is buried by one woman and two men, but not one man with two women, which Rashi explains is because of yichud. Abba Shaul says that two women and one man can bury him. Tosafos explains that Abba Shaul permits it since the man is consumed with the  burial . The Baraisa later on addresses hespedim for children. Rebbe Meir says in the name of Rebbe Yishmael: עניים בני שלש עשירים בני חמש – The poor give hespedim for their children three years or older and the wealthy give hespedim for their children five years or older. Rebbe Yehudah said in the name of Rebbe Yishmael, that the poor give hespedim for children five years or older, and the wealthy give hespedim for their children six years or older. Rashi explains that the poor are in greater pain over the loss of their child since they have no other source of joy. ובני זקנים כבני עניים – And the children of the elderly are like the children of the poor. Rashi explains  that they cannot come and go easily, and they rely on their children to help them. 

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