Moed Katan Daf 15 מועד קטן דַף 15

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1. An avel is prohibited from haircuts, wearing tefillin and greeting others

On the bottom of Daf 14b we learned that an avel is not permitted to cut his hair, based on the fact that Hashem said to Aharon’s sons when they were mourning over Nadav and Avihu, "ראשיכם אל תפרעו" – Do not leave your heads uncut, which implies that that it is assur for all other mourners to cut their hair. On this Daf we’re told:
- אבל אסור להניח תפילין – that an avel is forbidden to wear tefillin. We learn this from when Hashem told Yechezkel to refrain from many practices of mourning when his wife passed away. He said "פארך חבוש עליך" – wear your glory upon yourself, which Rashi explains refers to tefillin. This implies that other mourners are forbidden to wear tefillin.
אבל אסור בשאלת שלום - – An avel is forbidden to greet others, for Hashem said to Yechezkel, "האנק דם" – Mourn and be silent. Although Yechezkel was not to conduct himself as a mourner, Rashi explains that he was commanded to observe this halachah.

2. An avel may not learn Torah but one who is excommunicated and a metzora can

The Gemara continues, אבל אסור בדברי תורה – An avel is prohibited to learn Torah, from the fact that Hashem told Yechezkel, "דם" – be silent. The Gemara asks if a מנודה is prohibited from learning, and Rav Yosef said: מנודה שונה ושונין לו – One who is excommunicated may teach others and others may teach him, he may be hired by others and others may be hired by him, but a מוחרם – one who is placed in cherem, which Rashi explains means that he has already been excommunicated twice, לא שונה ולא שונין לו – may not teach others nor may others teach him, but he may learn quietly to himself so that he will not interrupt his learning. The Gemara then questions whether a metzora may engage in learning, and brings a Baraisa that teaches from the pesukim, that just as the Jews received the Torah באימה וביראה וברתת – with awe, fear and trembling, so too the Torah is taught with awe, fear and trembling. This comes to teach that zavim, metzoras, and those who had relations with niddos, are permitted to learn, ובעלי קרין אסורין – and baalei keri may not, for their tumah resulted from levity.

3. An avel is prohibited from work, washing and wearing shoes

The Gemara continues: אבל אסור בעשיית מלאכה – An avel is forbidden to work, for it is written in Amos, "והפכתי חגיכם לאבל" – I will turn your festivals into mourning. מה חג אסור במלאכה אף אבל אסור במלאכה – Just as on a chag one is forbidden to do work, so too an avel is prohibited from working.
- אבל אסור ברחיצה – an avel is forbidden to wash, for the passuk states: "ואל תסוכי שמן" – and do not anoint yourself with oil, ורחיצה בכלל סיכה – and washing is included in anointing.
- אבל אסור בנעילת סנדל – An avel is not permitted to wear shoes, since Hashem to Yechezkel, "ונעלך תשים ברגלך" – and put shoes on your feet, which implies that all other mourners may not wear shoes.

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