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Rebbe Yochanan said: כל מקום שאתה מוצא גבורתו של הקדוש ברוך הוא אתה מוצא ענוותנותו – Every place you find mention of HaKadosh Boruch Hu’s might, you find mention of His humility. דבר זה כתוב בתורה ושנוי בנביאים ומשולש בכתובים – This matter is written in the Torah and repeated in Neviim and said a third time in Kesuvim. It is written in the Torah, "כי ה' אלקיכם הוא אלקי האלקים ואדני האדנים" – For Hashem, your G-d, is the G-d of the heavenly powers, and the Master of masters, and immediately after that it is written, "עשה משפט יתום ואלמנה" – He does justice for the orphan and widow. It is repeated in Neviim, for it is written, "כה אמר רם ונשא שכן עד וקדוש" – So says the Exalted and Uplifted One, Who lives forever, and Who is holy, and immediately after it is written, "ואת דכא ושפל רוח" – But I am with the repentant and lowly of spirit. It is stated a third time in Kesuvim, for it is written, "סלו לרכב בערבות בקה שמו" – Extol Him Who rides in the highest heaven, with His name – G-d. And immediately after it is written, "אבי יתומים ודין אלמנות" – Father of orphans and judge of widows.
The Mishnah on 30b had stated that the Yisraelim that were part of the mishmar that were not located in Yerushalayim, would gather in their towns and read from מעשה בראשית. The Gemara asks what the connection is between the מעמדות and מעשה בראשית. Rebbe Yaakov bar Acha said in the name of Rav Assi: אלמלא מעמדות לא נתקיימו שמים וארץ – If not for the maamados, referring to the korbanos that the maamodos represent, heaven and earth would not continue to exist, for when Avraham asked Hashem, "במה אדע כי אירשנה" – How will I know that I am to inherit Eretz Yisroel, Rashi explains he was really asking, ”tell me what I must teach my descendents that will help them attain kaparah for their sins. Hashem answered him, "קחה לי עגלה משלשת ועז משלשת" – bring Me three calves and three goats, indicating that the korbanos will save them. Avraham then asked, that this answer only applies when there is a Beis Hamikdash, but what will be when the Beis Hamikdash is not around? Hashem answered, כבר תקנתי להם סדר קרבנות – I have already prepared for them the order of the korbanos. Whenever they read from them before Me, מעלה אני עליהם כאילו הקריבום לפני – I will consider it as if they brought the korbanos before Me, ואני מוחל להם על כל עונותיהם – and I will forgive them for all their sins. We see from here that the existence of heaven and earth are connected to our bringing korbanos.
It was taught in a Baraisa: Rebbe Shimon ben Elazar says: עזרא תיקן להן לישראל שיהו קורין קללות שבתורת כהנים קודם עצרת ושבמשנה תורה קודם ראש השנה – Ezra decreed for Yisroel that they should read the curses in Vayikra before Shavuos, and those of Devarim before Rosh Hashanah. Abaye, and some say Reish Lakish, explained: כדי שתכלה השנה וקללותיה – In order that the year end together with its curses. The Gemara asks why Shavuos is considered the beginning of a year that the curses in Vayikra should be before it. The Gemara answers, עצרת נמי ראש השנה היא – Shavuos is also considered a Rosh Hashanah, for it was taught in a Mishnah: ובעצרת על פירות האילן – And on Shavous we are judged on the fruits of the trees.
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