Megillah Daf 21 מגילה דַף 21

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1. The Torah is read standing

The opening Mishnah of the third perek states: הקורא את המגילה עומד ויושב – One who reads the Megillah can read it either standing or sitting. The Gemara brings a Baraisa that teaches: מה שאין כן בתורה – Which does not apply to the reading of the Torah, as the baal koreh must stand when reading the Torah. The Gemara asks for the source for this din, and Rebbe Abahu brought the passuk where Hashem said to Moshe: "ואתה פה עמד עמדי" – And you, stand here with Me, so that I may teach you Torah. Rebbe Abahu said that if it were not that the passuk says so, it would not be possible for us to say it on our own, that HaKadosh Boruch Hu was, as if to say, standing when He taught Moshe the Torah. It was taught in a Baraisa: מימות משה ועד רבן גמליאל לא היו למדין תורה אלא מעומד – From the days of Moshe until Rabban Gamliel they would only learn Torah standing. When Rabban Gamliel died, ירד חולי לעולם והיו למדין תורה מיושב – weakness came down to the world and they would learn Torah sitting

2. The berachos that are recited before and after krias haMegillah

The Gemara asks what berachos are recited before the Megillah reading and brings Rav Sheishess of Katrazya who happened to come before Rav Ashi at the time of krias haMegillah וברוך מנ''ח – and he recited the berachos of menach, which is an acronym for mikra megillah, she’asa nissim, and shehecheyanu. The Gemara then brings the berachah that is recited after the kriah. Blessed are You, Hashem our G-d, King of the Universe, הרב את ריבנו והדן את דיננו – Who takes up our grievances and Who judges our claim, והנוקם את נקמתנו והנפרע לנו מצרינו – and Who avenges our vengeance, and Who exacts vengeance from our oppressors, והמשלם גמול לכל אויבי נפשינו – and Who brings retribution upon all the enemies of our soul. ברוך אתה ה' הנפרע לישראל מכל צריהם – Blessed are You, Hashem, Who exacts vengeance for Yisroel from all of their oppressors. Rava said that the end of the berachah is: הקל המושיע – The G-d who brings salvation. Rav Pappa said that since there is a machlokes one should conclude with both endings and say: הנפרע לישראל מכל צריהם הקל המושיע – Who exacts vengeance for Yisroel from all of their oppressors, the G-d who brings salvation.

3. What the three aliyos and ten pesukim of krias HaTorah correspond to

The Mishnah stated regarding krias haTorah, בשני ובחמישי בשבת במנחה קורין שלשה – On Monday, Thursday and on Shabbos at Minchah, three people are called up to the Torah. The Gemara asks what the three readers correspond to, and Rav Assi said that they correspond to Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim. Rava said that they correspond to Kohanim, Leviim and Yisroelim. The Gemara then brings a Baraisa that teaches that no less than ten pesukim should be read in the Beis HaKnesses and asks what they correspond to. Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi said that they are כנגד עשרה בטלנין שבבית הכנסת – corresponding to the ten batlanim of the shul, who do not work so that they can always be present in shul. Rebbe Levi said כנגד עשרת הדברות שנאמרו למשה בסיני – corresponding to the Aseres HaDibros that were said to Moshe at Har Sinai. Rebbe Yochanan said that they are כנגד עשרה מאמרות שבהן נברא העולם – corresponding to the Ten Utterances that the world was created with.

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