Megillah Daf 17 מגילה דַף 17

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  1. גדול תלמוד תורה יותר מכבוד אב ואם

At the bottom of Daf 16b, Rabbah said in the name of Rav Yitzchak bar Shmuel bar Marsa: גדול תלמוד תורה יותר מכבוד אב ואם – Torah learning is greater than honoring one’s father and mother, שכל אותן שנים שהיה יעקב אבינו בבית עבר לא נענש – since all the years that Yaakov Avinu was in the House of Ever, he was not punished, even though during that time he did not honor his parents. The Gemara now goes through an extensive proof to show that Yaakov was not held accountable. The Gemara states that the entire reason that Yishmael’s years were recorded in the Torah, was in order to calculate Yaakov’s years. Yishmael was fourteen years older than Yitzchak, and Yitzchak was sixty years old when Yaakov and Esav were born.  Therefore, we know that Yishmael was seventy-four when Yaakov was born. Yishmael died at the age of one hundred and thirty-seven, the same year that Yaakov received the berachos from Yitzchak, which means that Yaakov was sixty-three years old at the point that he had to flee. After additional analysis, it turns out that Yaakov was away from his parents for a total of thirty-six years but was only punished with Yosef's absence, for twenty-two years. We see from here that he was not punished for the fourteen years that he was learning Torah.

  2. הקורא את המגילה למפרע לא יצא

The opening Mishnah of the second perek states: הקורא את המגילה למפרע לא יצא – One who reads the Megillah out of order is not yotzei. The Gemara asks for the source, and after rejecting the first answer, it brings the following passuk: "והימים האלה נזכרים ונעשים" – And these days shall be remembered and celebrated. איתקיש זכירה לעשיה – The Megillah makes a hekesh between remembering and celebrating. מה עשיה למפרע לא אף זכירה למפרע לא – Just as the celebration cannot be performed out of order, which Rashi explains to mean that it is impossible that the fifteenth comes before the fourteenth, so too the remembrance, referring to the Megillah reading, cannot be done out of order. The Gemara cites a Tanna that teaches, that similarly, Hallel, Krias Shema and tefillah cannot be done out of order, and the Gemara brings the sources for each.

  3. The order of the berachos in the Shemoneh Esrei

The Gemara explains the reasons for the order of berachos in the Shemoneh Esrei. It was taught in a Baraisa: מנין שאומרים אבות – From where do know that we say a berachah regarding the Avos? For the passuk states: "הבו לה' בני אלים" – Declare to Hashem, the sons of the powerful. Rashi explains that the passuk is saying that one should mention the powerful ones of the earth, meaning the Avos. From where do we know that we recite a berachah about Hashem’s might? For the passuk states, "הבו לה' כבוד ועז" – Declare to Hashem honor and might. From where do we know that we recite a berachah regarding Hashem’s holiness? For the passuk states: "הבו לה' כבוד שמו השתחוו לה' בהדרת קדש" – Declare to Hashem the honor due His name, bow to Hashem in the splendor of Holiness. The Gemara asks, ומה ראו לומר בינה אחר קדושה – What did they see to put the berachah binah after kedushah? For it is stated in the passuk, "והקדישו את קדוש יעקב ואת אלקי ישראל יעריצו" – And they shall sanctify the Holy One of Yaakov and the G-d of Yisrael they shall fear. And the next passuk states, "וידעו תעי רוח בינה" – And those who made a mistake in spirit, shall know insight. The Gemara continues explaining the order of the remaining berachos.

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