Megillah Daf 12 מגילה דַף 12

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1. The reason the Jewish people deserved extermination

The talmidim of Rebbe Shimon ben Yochai asked: מפני מה נתחייבו שונאיהן של ישראל שבאותו דור כליה – Why did the enemies of Yisroel of that generation, which euphemistically refers to Yisroel, deserve to be wiped out? He said to them that they should give the reason, and they answered: מפני שנהנו מסועדתו של אותו רשע – Because they got pleasure from the seudah of that rasha, referring to Achashverosh. He responded, that if that was so, then only the Jews of Shushan should have deserved to been killed, not the entire Jewish people. When they asked him for his explanation of the reason, Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai answered: מפני שהשתחוו לצלם – because they bowed down to an image of avodah zarah in the days of Nebuchadnezzer. When they asked why Hashem should show favoritism to them  and not wipe them out for doing so, he answered that they only acted outwardly, not with their heart. So too HaKadosh Boruch Hu acted outwardly, to scare them and provoke them to do teshuvah. As the passuk states: "כי לא ענה מלבו" – He does not afflict from his heart.

2. Why Vashti refused to appear

The Gemara analyzes the pesukim regarding Vashti’s seudah and teaches that she also intended to act immorally by showing her beauty . When he bragged to other heads of State that Vashti was the most beautiful of all women and offered to bring her out, they consented, provided that she appear without clothes, to prove that she had natural beauty. The passuk then states: "ותמאן המלכה ושתי" – And Queen Vashti refused. The Gemara says that Vashti was a promiscuous woman and she wanted to appear . Why did she not come? Rebbe Yose bar Chanina said: מלמד שפרחה בה צרעת – This teaches that she broke out in tzaraas and was embarrassed to come. A Baraisa taught a different reason: בא גבריאל ועשה לה זנב – the malach Gavriel came and made her grow a tail.

3. Memuchan and his advice to Achashverosh

After the Gemara teaches that the Chochomim told Achashverosh that they were in no position to provide wise counsel regarding what to do with Vashti, the passuk states: "ויאמר ממוכן" – And Memuchan said. A Baraisa taught that Memuchan was Haman, and why was he called Memuchan? שמוכן לפורעונות – Because he was “prepared” for punishment. Rashi explains that he was destined to be hung. Rav Kahana said: מכאן שההדיוט קופץ בראש – From here we see that a common man jumps to the front. Haman advised: "להיות כל איש שרר בביתו" – That every man should rule in his house. Rava said: If it were not for the first letters that were sent out with this command, there would be no remnant or survivor from the enemies of Yisroel, referring to the Jewish people. When people read them, they asked what kind of order is this? פשיטא אפילו קרחה בביתיה פרדשכא ליהוי – Even a weaver should be the commander in his own house. Since people ridiculed this letter, they did not take the king seriously, and did not act immediately on the second letter’s command, which was to destroy the Jewish people.

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