Kesubos Daf 59 קסובוס דַף 59

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1. Machlokes when a wife’s excess earnings become hekdesh according to Rebbe Meir

The Mishnah on Daf 58b, states regarding a husband being makdish המותר – his wife’s excess earnings: Rebbe Meir says they are hekdesh, and Rebbe Yochanan HaSandlar says they remain chullin.  The Gemara asked when they become hekdesh according to Rebbe Meir, and Rav and Shmuel both say: מותר לאחר מיתה – the excess becomes hekdesh after the wife’s death, when the husband inherits her possessions, and Rav Adda bar Ahavah says: מותר מחיים קדוש – the excess becomes hekdesh while she is still alive. The Gemara clarifies that the case is במעלה לה מזונות ואינו מעלה לה מעה כסף לצרכיה – where the husband is providing her with food, but he is not providing her with a silver ma’ah for her needs. Rav and Shmuel hold that the Rabbanon enacted her mezonos in exchange for her מעשה ידיה - mandatory earnings, and the silver ma’ah in exchange for her excess earnings. Since he is not giving her the silver ma’ah, the excess remains hers. Rav Adda bar Ahavah holds that the Rabbanon enacted mezonos in exchange for her excess earnings, and the silver ma’ah in exchange for her מעשה ידיה. Since he is giving support, the excess belongs to him. The Gemara explains that Rav and Shmuel hold, מידי דשכיח ממידי דשכיח – something that is common was enacted for something that is common. Both support and producing mandatory work are common. Rav Adda bar Ahavah holds מידי דקייץ ממידי דקייץ – something that is fixed was enacted in exchange for something that is fixed. Both the amount required for מעשה ידיה and the silver ma’ah are fixed.

2. ואלו מלאכות שהאשה עושה לבעלה

The next Mishnah states: ואלו מלאכות שהאשה עושה לבעלה – These are the tasks that a woman must do for her husband: טוחנת ואופה ומכבסת – She must grind the grain into flour, bake the bread, and launder the clothing, מבשלת ומניקה את בנה מצעת לו המטה ועושה בצמר – she cooks, nurses her child, she makes his bed, and works with wool. If she brings one shifchah into the marriage, she does not need to grind, bake, or launder. If she brings two shifchos , she does not need to cook or nurse her child. If she brings three shifchos, she does need to make his bed or work with wool. If she brought four in, יושבת בקתדרא – she sits in an easy chair and does nothing. Rebbe Eliezer says: אפילו הכניסה לו מאה שפחות כופה לעשות בצמר – Even if she brought him one hundred shifchos, he may still force her to work with wool, שהבטלה מביאה לידי זימה – for idleness brings to licentiousness.

3. אין אשה אלא ליופי לבנים לתכשיטי אשה

The Gemara notes: Our Mishnah is not in accordance with Rebbe Chiya, who taught in a Baraisa: אין אשה אלא ליופי אין אשה אלא לבנים – A wife is only for beauty; A wife is only for children. Tosafos explains that this means that she does not grind, bake, or nurse, which negatively impact her beauty, but she must still work with wool, for she must work and give her earnings to him in exchange for support. Rebbe Chiya taught in a second Baraisa: אין אשה אלא לתכשיטי אשה – A wife is only for feminine adornments. Rashi explains it is upon the husband to buy cosmetics and jewelry for her.

1. מזונות תחת מעשיה ידיה או תחת מעה כסף

2. קונמות מוציאין מידי שעיבוד

3. אלו מלאכות שהאשה עושה לבעלה

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