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The next Mishnah states: מי שלא חג ביום טוב הראשון של חג חוגג את כל הרגל ויום טוב האחרון של חג – One who did not bring the chagigah on the first Yom Tov of Succos, may bring it throughout the chag and on the last Yom Tov, referring to Shemini Atzeres. Rashi explains that even though Shemini Atzeres is its own chag, the chagigah that is brought is a תשלומין – a compensation. The Gemara asks what the meaning is of תשלומין, and Rebbe Yochanan says it means, תשלומין לראשון – a compensation for the first day of the chag. Rashi explains that the passuk says, אתו, it – which teaches that the Torah is making one day the ikar chiyuv for bringing the chagigah, and the other days are a compensation for the first day. But Rebbe Oshaya says: תשלומין זה לזה – Each day can be a compensation for any other day. Rashi explains that there is not one day that is the ikar chiyuv. Rebbe Zeira explains the nafka minah between the two opinions is חיגר ביום ראשון ונתפשט ביום שני – one who was lame the first day and became healed on the second day. According to Rebbe Yochanan, since he was not fitting to bring it on the first day, he is not eligible to bring it on the second day, but according to Rebbe Oshaya, since he is eligible to bring it on the second day, if he failed to do so, he may bring it on the next day as תשלומין.
The Mishnah had taught that if the chag passed and one did not bring the chagigah, he can no longer bring it, and concerning this the passuk states, "מעות לא יוכל לתקן וחסרון לא יוכל להמנות" – A crooked thing cannot be straightened and a lack cannot be counted. Bar Hei Hei said to Hillel that according to the Mishna’s explanation of the passuk, the words "להמנות" - cannot be counted, should have been להמלאות – “to be filled”. Rather, the passuk is referring to זה שמנוהו חביריו לדבר מצוה והוא לא נמנה עמהן – one whose friends counted him in with themselves with the goal of doing a mitzvah, but he would not be counted with them. Rashi explains that once the mitzvah is done, he has lost the opportunity to have done it with the group.
Bar Hei Hei said to Hillel: What is the meaning of the passuk that states: "ושבתם וראיתם בין צדיק לרשע בין עבד אלקים לאשר לא עבדו" – You will return and see the difference between a tzadik and a rasha, between one who serves Hashem, and one who does not serve Him? The passuk seems redundant. A tzadik is someone who serves Hashem, and a rasha is someone who does not? Hillel answered that “the one who serves Hashem” and “the one who does not serve Him,” are both tzadikim gemurim, - completely righteous. ואינו דומה שונה פרקו מאה פעמים לשונה פרקו מאה ואחד – But there is no comparison between one who reviews his learning one hundred times to one who reviews his learning one hundred and one times. Rashi explains that the latter serves Hashem more. When Bar Hei Hei asked Hillel, ומשום חד זימנא קרי ליה "לא עבדו" – because he did not review one more time, he is called one who did not serve Hashem, Hillel answered, yes, צא ולמד משוק של חמרין – Go and learn from the shuk of donkey drivers. עשרה פרסי בזוזא חד עשר פרסי בתרי זוזי – A standard trip of ten parsahs costs one zuz, but a trip of eleven parsahs costs two zuzim.
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