Chagigah Daf 8 חגיגה דַף 8

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1. טופלין בהמה לבהמה או מעות למעות מחלוקת אם

A Baraisa on Daf 7b stated that Beis Hillel say that the shalmei chagigah may come from maaser sheni. The Gemara asks how this is so, דבר שבחובה הוא וכל דבר שבחובה אינו בא אלא מן החולין – It is a mandatory offering, and any mandatory offering can only come from chullin? Ulla answered, that Beis Hillel are referring to טופל – where one supplements the money used to buy the shalmei chagigah, with some maaser sheni money. There is a machlokes Amoraim regarding how one supplements. Chizkiyah says: טופלין בהמה לבהמה – We may supplement an animal bought from chullin with another animal bought from maaser sheni, ואין טופלין מעות למעות – but one may not supplement chullin monies with maaser sheni monies. Rashi explains that in a case when one has many people joining him, he brings many animals, and even though they all are chagigahs, he has technically fulfilled his chiyuv with the first animal. One is not permitted to purchase one animal with a mixture of chullin and maaser sheni monies. But Rebbe Yochanan says: טופלין מעות למעות ואין טופלין בהמה לבהמה – We supplement monies with monies but not animals with animals. Since each animal is a chagigah, it should have some chullin monies mixed in with it.

2. What Yisraelim and Kohanim can eat to fulfill their chiyuv of simchah

It was taught in a Baraisa: The passuk states: "ושמחת בחגך" לרבות כל מיני שמחות לשמחה – You shall rejoice on your chag, to include all kinds of rejoicing for the mitzvah of having simchah on the chag. Rashi explains that this is learned from the fact that the passuk does not specify a certain type of rejoicing. From here the Chochomim said: ישראל יוצאין ידי חובתן בנדרים ונדבות ובמעשר בהמה – Yisraelim can fulfill their chiyuv with the meat of nedarim, nedavos and maaser beheimah, והכהנים בחטאת ואשם ובבכור ובחזה ושוק – and Kohanim with the meat of a chatos, asham, bechor and breast and thigh of a shelamim. One might have thought that one can also fulfill their chiyuv with birds and menachos, the Torah therefore states, "ושמחת בחגך" – You shall rejoice on your chag, מי שחגיגה באה מהם – from that which the chagigah can be brought, יצאו אלו שאין חגיגה באה מהם – which excludes birds and menachos, from which the chagigah cannot be brought from. Rav Ashi said that we can learn to exclude birds and menachos from the word, ושמחת – You shall rejoice, יצאו אלו שאין בהן שמחה – which excludes these because there is no simchah in eating them.

3. If one designated ten animals as chagigahs, and only brought five of them the first day

Ulla said in the name of Reish Lakish: הפריש עשר בהמות לחגיגתו – If one designated ten animals for his shalmei chagigah, and he offered five of them on the first day of Yom Tov, he may go back and offer the remaining five on the second day of the chag. Rebbe Yochanan says: כיון שפסק שוב אינו מקריב – Once he stopped bringing the animals, he may not bring them anymore, meaning they may not be brought as chagigahs. Rebbe Abba said that there is no machlokes. When Rebbe Yochanan said he may not bring them on the second day, he was referring to a case where he did not specify that they would be offered on the first day. This would be problematic, since perhaps he did not have them in mind initially as chagigahs, and he is deciding to bring a chagigah on the second day. He would then be over on בל תוסיף, adding on to a mitzvah. When Reish Lakish ruled that he may bring them on the second day, it was a case where he specifically designated them as chagigahs for the first day. Rashi explains that he is using them on the second day only as a substitute for the first.

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