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The Gemara brought a Mishnah in Peah that listed mitzvos that have no minimum shiur, including הראיון. The Gemara asks what the meaning is of הראיון, and Rebbe Yochanan says it means, ראיית פנים בעזרה – appearing in the azarah, and Reish Lakish says it means, ראיית פנים בקרבן – appearing in the azarah with a korban. After the first understanding of the machlokes is rejected, the Gemara explains it as follows: After the first day of the regel, when bringing a korban is optional, everyone agrees that one who does not bring a korban may enter the azarah. They disagree only in regard to bringing an olas-reiyah on the days after the first day. Rebbe Yochanan says that when the Mishnah listed mitzvos that have no shiur, it meant ראיית פנים בעזרה דאין לה שיעור – it was the appearance in the azarah that has no shiur, הא לקרבן יש לה שיעור – but bringing the korban does have a shiur, meaning, that one is only permitted to bring one olas-re’iyah, and if one brought more than that he would be over on בל תוסיף. Reish Lakish says דאפילו קרבן נמי אין לו שיעור – that even the korban has no shiur, and one may bring an olas re’iyah every time he enters the azarah.
Rebbe Yochanan challenged Reish Lakish who holds that one may bring a korban each time he appears in the Beis Hamikdash, from the passuk, הקר רגלך מבית רעך – Let your foot be rare in your Beloved’s House, referring to the Beis Hamikdash. The Gemara answers התם בחטאות ואשמות – The passuk there is referring to chatas and asham offerings, which are brought by one who has sinned. This was also taught in a Baraisa that suggested that perhaps the passuk is referring even to olos and shelamim, and then says that this cannot be, because when the passuk says, "אבוא ביתך בעולות אשלם לך נדרי" – I will come to Your House with olos, I will pay You my vows, we see that bringing olos and shelamim are mentioned in a positive sense. What then is the pshat in the passuk, "הקר רגלך מבית רעך" – Let your foot be rare in your Beloved’s House? It is referring to chatos and shelamim.
The next Mishnah states:והשלמים מן המעשר עולות במועד באות מן החולין – Olos, referring to the olos re’iyah, which are brought on Chol HaMoed, must come from chullin, whereas shelamim, referring to the shalmei simchah, may be brought from maaser sheni. The Gemara challenges the Mishnah, saying that this implies that olos on Chol HaMoed must be brought from chullin, but on Yom Tov they may be brought from maaser sheni. How can this be? The olas re’iyah is a דבר שבחובה, a mandatory korban, וכל דבר שבחובה אינו בא אלא מן החולין – and any mandatory korban does not come except from chullin. The Gemara answers that the Mishnah is חסורי מיחסרא, missing words, and this is what it is actually saying: עולות נדרים ונדבות במועד באות ביום טוב אינן באות – Olos that are nedarim and nedavos are brought on Chol HaMoed but not on Yom Tov, and the olas-re’iyah is brought even on Yom Tov, and when it is brought, it is only brought from chullin. The shalmei simchah may come from maaser, and the chagigah of the first Yom Tov of Pesach, Beis Shammai say it comes from chullin, and Beis Hillel say it may come from maaser.
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