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When Rav Dimi came to Bavel from Eretz Yisroel he said: שמונה עשרה קללות קילל ישעיה את ישראל – Yeshayah pronounced eighteen different curses upon the Jewish people, which Rashi explains means that he prophesied eighteen troubles that would befall them. But he was not satisfied until he told them the passuk: "ירהבו הנער בזקן והנקלה בנכבד" – they will arrogantly rule, the youngster over the elder, and the based over the honored. The Gemara brings a passuk that lists all those that will be removed from Yerushalayim and Yehudah, the first two being the משען ומשענה – support and the staff. "משען" אלו בעלי מקרא – “Support” refers to masters of Chumash, "משענה" אלו בעלי משנה – “staff” refers to masters of Mishnah, like Rebbe Yehudah ben Teima and his associates. Rav Pappa and the Rabbanon disagreed on their level of mastery. One said they had mastered six hundred sidrei Mishnah and one said they had mastered seven hundred sidrei Mishnah, which Rashi explains, existed in their days.
The Gemara brings a Baraisa that relates that Rebbe Elazar ben Arach demonstrated to Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai that he was worthy to be taught one perek of Maaseh Merkavah. Immediately, when Rebbe Elazar ben Arach started to darshan Maaseh Merkavah, a fire descended from heaven and surrounded all the trees in the field, and all the trees began to sing shirah, singing, "הללו את ה' מן הארץ תנינים וכל תהומות...עץ פרי וכל ארזים...הללו-קה" – Praise Hashem from the earth: Sea giants and all water depths…fruitful trees and all cedars…Hallelukah. A malach spoke from amidst the fire and said: הן הן מעשה מרכבה – That is certainly Maaseh Merkavah. Then Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai stood up and kissed Rebbe Elazar ben Arach on his head and said: ברוך ה' אלקי ישראל שנתן בן לאברהם אבינו – Blessed is Hashem, G-d of Yisroel, who has given a son to Avraham Avinu, who knows how to understand, analyze and darshen Maaseh Merkavah. יש נאה דורש ואין נאה מקיים – There are those that darshen well but do not practice well, יש נאה מקיים ואין נאה דורש – there are those who practice well but do not darshen well, ואתה נאה דורש ונאה מקיים – but you darshan and practice well. How fortunate are you, Avraham Avinu, that Rebbe Elazar ben Arach emerged from your loins.
It was taught in a Baraisa: ארבעה נכנסו בפרדס – There were four who entered the Pardes, which Rashi explains means that they mentioned the Divine Name and ascended to Heaven. They were, Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher and Rebbe Akiva. Rebbe Akiva gave them instructions on how to enter and what to be aware of. בן עזאי הציץ ומת – Ben Azzai glanced towards the Divine Presence and died. בן זומא הציץ ונפגע – Ben Zoma glanced and became mentally unstable. אחר קיצץ בנטיעות – Acher chopped down saplings in the Pardes, and became evil, as the Gemara relates on the next Daf. רבי עקיבא יצא בשלום – Rebbe Akiva emerged in peace.
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