Divrei Berachah and Chizuk from Rabbi Mansour

If you have ever met anyone who has rolled his eyes when he saw Zichru pictures and proclaimed, "There is no way I'm doing that," then you must watch and share the following video: 

Rabbi Eli Mansour: From Major Skeptic to 500 Blatt

We had asked Rabbi Mansour to share divrei berachah at our Brooklyn Chizuk Event on Sunday, and he thrilled everybody with his personal story with Zichru.You will enjoy every minute of it and probably relate to it all. It's the video to send to anyone who has their doubts about the program. 

Zichru Makes the Cover of Moment Magazine. We're thrilled that Moment Magazine did a cover story on three members of our Yiddish Division, R' Sheya Seidenfeld, R' Menachem Hartman, and R' Moshe Waldman. I want to thank R' Zisha Yoel Schnitzler for helping to make this happen.

It's a special berachah to go into Yom Tov knowing that since the last Shavuos, we made a kinyan on a blatt, day after day, for an entire year. 

CLICK HERE for a short Shavuos video message from Rabbi Goldhar: Exponential Growth

Behatzlacha with all the chazarah you have planned over the chag. 

On behalf of the entire team, I want to wish you a good yomtov, and of course, great learning. 

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