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The Gemara presents a statement which contradicts the ruling of Rav Nachman that Shabbos is kove’ah maasros for even produce that has not been completely processed. When Ravin came from Eretz Yisroel to Bavel, he said in the name of Rebbe Yochanan: אחד שבת ואחד תרומה ואחד חצר ואחד מקח – Whether it is the Shabbos, or terumah, or a chatzeir, or a purchase, כולן אין קובעין אלא בדבר שנגמרה מלאכתן – All of them establish a chiyuv for maasros only for something whose processing has been completed. The Gemara demonstrates that each of the four rulings are subject to a dispute, necessitating Rebbe Yochanan to rule in each case. It was necessary to rule regarding Shabbos, to reject the opinion of Hillel, for it was taught in a Baraisa: If someone gathered fruits for the purpose of transporting them from one place to another, to spread them to dry וקדש עליהן היום – and the day became sanctified when Shabbos began, Rebbe Yehudah says that הלל לעצמו אוסר – Hillel alone prohibits these fruits on Shabbos. Rashi explains that from Rav Yehudah’s language it is implied that the majority ruled that the fruits were permitted, since they were not fully processed.
The opening Mishnah of the fifth perek states: משילין פירות דרך ארובה ביום טוב אבל לא בשבת – We may lower produce through a skylight on Yom Tov but not on Shabbos. Rashi explains that if one had spread out wheat and barley on his roof to dry, and fears that oncoming rains will ruin them, he may throw them through a skylight on Yom Tov into the house, since it is not considered טרחא יתירא – excessive exertion. However, one could not lift produce to pass it through a window, since this does involve excessive exertion.
The Gemara asks how much produce may be lowered through the skylight, and Rebbe Zeira said in the name of Rebbe Assi, and some say that Rebbe Assi said it in the name of Rebbe Yochanan: The amount is equivalent to what we learned in a Mishnah in Shabbos: מפנין ארבע וחמש קופות של תבן ושל תבואה מפני האורחים ומפני בטול בית המדרש – We may clear away four or five boxes of straw or of produce, because of guests or because of limiting seating in the Beis Midrash. Our Mishnah too, would allow moving four or five boxes. The Gemara gives three reasons why this amount would not necessarily apply to our Mishnah. 1. Perhaps here, since there is no בטול בית המדרש, we cannot be so lenient. 2. Perhaps since people are machmir with Shabbos, they will not become lax in its observance if they are permitted to move four or five boxes, but regarding Yom Tov, whose laws are lenient and therefore people may become lax in its observance, perhaps we should not allow the boxes to be lowered through the skylight. 3. Alternatively, perhaps the reason the Mishnah only permits moving four or five boxes on Shabbos is that there is no הפסד ממון – loss of money. But here, where there is a financial loss if the boxes are left on the roof, perhaps he can move even more.
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