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Rabbah bar Rav Huna said in the name of Rav: הסוכר אמת המים מערב יום טוב ולמחר השכים ומצא בה דגים מותרין – If someone plugs a canal of water before Yom Tov, and on the next day he rose early and found fish in the canal, they are permitted. Rashi explains that by closing off the canal before Yom Tov, so that no fish could enter after dark, the person prepares and designates the fish already in the canal for Yom Tov use. Rav Chisda said: From the words of our teacher (Rav) we could deduce that חיה שקיננה בפרדס אינה צריכה זימון – if a wild animal made its home in an orchard and gave birth there before Yom Tov, the newborn does not require designation and may be shechted on Yom Tov. Rashi explains that the newborn is unable to escape and is easily captured there. Rav Nachman said that Rav Chisda has fallen into great dispute, which Rashi explains to mean that he has made himself subject to a great controversy. For the following distinction can be made: התם לא קא עביד מעשה – There, in the case of the newborn, he did not do an act of designation, whereas here, in the case of the fish, he performed an act of plugging the canal, which can be considered an act of זימון.
The next Mishnah states: בהמה מסוכנת לא ישחוט אלא אם כן יש שהות ביום לאכול ממנה כזית צלי – One may not shecht a dangerously ill animal on Yom Tov unless there is enough time left in the day to eat a kezayis sized piece of its meat roasted. Rashi explains that the owner has already eaten and does not need the meat for Yom Tov but is anxious to shecht the animal to prevent the financial loss if the animal were to die. Rebbe Akiva says: אפילו כזית מבית טביחתה – Even if there is time only to eat a kezayis piece of raw meat taken from the place of its shechitah. Rashi explains that taking the meat from the neck area further reduces the time needed, since the meat at the point of the incision is already skinned and ready to take.
A Baraisa was taught in the name of Rebbe Meir: מפני מה ניתנה תורה לישראל – Why was the Torah given to Yisroel? מפני שהן עזין – Because they are strong willed. Rashi explains that Hashem gave them the Torah so that through learning it, it would subdue them and humble their hearts. A Baraisa was taught in the school of Rebbe Yishmael: The passuk states: "מימינו אש דת למו" – From His right hand he presented the fiery law to them. HaKadosh Boruch Hu declared: ראויין הללו שתנתן להם דת אש – These people are fit that the fiery law be given to them. Others record the Baraisa this way: דתיהם של אלו אש – The nature of this people is fiery. שאלמלא לא ניתנה תורה לישראל אין כל אומה ולשון יכולין לעמוד בפניהם – For had not the Torah been given to the Yisroel, no nation or tongue could withstand them. And this did Rebbe Shimon ben Lakish say: ג' עזין הן – There are three that are strong. Israel among the nations, the dog among the animals, and the chicken among the fowl. And others add, also the caper bush among the trees.
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